This is a series of infrared images featuring interesting architecture of historic importance. The images are printed for exhibition of sheets of aluminum which provides a beautiful quality of light reflection that enhances the infrared experience. 
Old Burying Point, Salem MA
Salem Common, Salem MA
Pickering House, Broad Street, Salem MA
Salem Harbor Waterfront
The House of Seven Gables, Salem MA

Bakers Island, Salem MA

Winter Island Barracks, Salem MA
Jonathan Corwin House, Salem MA
Dickson Memorial Chapel, Salem MA

Saugus Iron Works, Saugus MA

The Philips House, Salem MA
The Devereux-Hoffman-Simpson House, Chestnut, Chestnut, Street, Salem MA

Proctor's Ledge, Gallows Hill, Salem MA

Marblehead light at Chandler Hovey Park

Weeping Beech Tree, Danvers MA

Hooper Street (view from Saint Michaels Steeple), Marblehead MA

Marblehead Olde Burial Hill

Abbott Hall, Marblehead MA

Lynnewood Hall, Elkins Park PA

Fort Sewall Bunker, Marblehead MA

Cotting-Smith Assembly House, Salem MA
Fonthill Casle, Doylestown PA
Gerry Island, Marblehead MA
Nathaniel Hawthorne's Tree (House of the Seven Gables) Salem, MA

F. W. Webb, Salem MA

Fort Beach Shanties, Marblehead MA

Blake Chapel, Salem MA
Delaware Canal Tow Path, New Hope PA

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